
One thing I have learned from yesterday meeting with the finance people is this:

Blaming will never justify the fall or loss of a business. There will  always be a tangible proof to vouch the reasons why a certain success rescinded to push through.


When you ought to blame others for decisions you alone had made , it is a sign of irresponsibility topped with pride and ego. I still believe in humility. But yesterday, I found none from my superiors.


It was just so disappointing to present yourself dignified to these people whom I respect the  most despite the fact that my services already offered, is until now, uncompensated( and even undervalued). But  my sentiment goes mostly to my fellow workers whom families expected or worse, hoped for what is due. It was sad though, after all the services rendered by their people, they still think of these poor workers as the major cause of their downfall.


We are indeed struck by the global recession.



About LyraYoo

the black lass writes the unspeakable in her world.thanks to blogs View all posts by LyraYoo

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