deathnote’s incognito

He is rude you see.but he just jokes around. He is mean you feel.yet you just dont get the grounds. He might say no.but doubt it for a yes. He might say yes but for a no make a guess. He can laugh all day. Yet note to the silent gaps. He can be mad all year round,but he just takes the time to understand why you lapse . He can give all his trust to you. But can take it away in a snap. He can give all his care to you .But its your loss if you weigh it half. He pokes sometimes but its real.He kids sometimes but its not a big deal.He shuts himself sometimes,yet its just for while. He ignores sometimes ,yet don’t get wild. If you got to know him,you’ll relate To what i say.if you shun to fathom, get loss,beginning today.

About LyraYoo

the black lass writes the unspeakable in her world.thanks to blogs View all posts by LyraYoo

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